Features of the product:
- Fourban provides sustain level of graduated compression throughout the wear time.
- Layer 1- Orthopaedic bandage provides cushioning effect and protects the bony prominence
- Layer 2- Confirming bandage protects the bony prominence with mild compression
- Layer 3- Compression bandage provides the graduated compression from ankle to the calf and minimizes the edema and increases venous return
- Layer 4- Cohesive bandage contributes sustain compression and holds the dressing throughout the wear time
- Fewer dressing changes, wear time of dressing is up to seven days and it is cost-effective
- CVI- Chronic venous insufficiency (with/without wound)
- Lymphatic disorders (Edema, edematous limbs)
- Elephantiasis
- Advanced peripheral obstructive arterial disease (ankle brachial pressure index [ABPI]<0.8 mm Hg)
- Systemic arterial pressure < 80mm Hg at ankle
- Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
- Uncontrolled congestive heart failure
- Abscesses
- Septic Phlebitis
- Advanced peripheral neuropathy
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